Monday 16 December 2013

nanoblock R2-D2 Build Instructions

The build instructions for my Star Wars R2-D2 Deluxe Edition is now available here. I don't know exactly how many bricks were used since I didn't do an exact count, but I estimate it at around 1500 bricks.

It took me more than 10 hours to shoot and edit/process the 200+ photos for the instructions. If you would like to support my work, please take a look at this page.

1 comment:

  1. hallo Chris,
    is it possible, that i could get the R2-D2-Deluxe-Instruction in a printable pdf-document? i love your built so much, that i startet with nanoblocks and ordered 6 Basis sets in Japan theese days. they will arrive in a few days and i hope to start soon :-)

    if it works well, i will try to start a projekt building the starwars millenium falcon or a tie fighter

    do you know if somebody built something like that before?

    happy new year

    ...if you want i would also pay/donate for the great instruction document
