Tuesday 10 December 2013

nanoblock Clear Color Set Review

Difficulty: Level 1 - 4
No of Blocks: 800+
Item Code: NB-016

Front of the box
Back of the box

It has been years since Kawada first introduced the basic brick sets which are basically generic nanoblock sets that lets you build anything you like. So, it is nice to see them finally getting around to introducing new sets for those who like to build their own designs. Kawada released three sets recently: Standard Color, Monotone Color and Clear Color. In this review, we take a look at the new Clear Color Set (NB-016). 

The bricks in this set comes in 5 colours and the material used is a kind of transparent plastic. You can see the list of brick colours and types in the photo below. Interesting thing to note is the inclusion of newer brick types like the rounded-edge 1x3 and 1x4.

The bricks in this set

The contents of this set

A huge instruction sheet is included in the set, with separate instructions to make 7 different things. Look at the photos below to see what you can build. It is nice that they show you which items you can build at the same time.

Some of the designs are really simple to build and should not take long. The most challenging would be the rose and the crystal skull. 

If you have the nanoblock LED base plate, you can use it to light up your creations. Here is what the crystal skull looks like lighted up. 

I know there are many of you who love this fully transparent "crystal" look, but personally, I am not really into making completely transparent designs unless the thing I am making is inherently transparent like liquid or glass. Nevertheless, it is a good addition to a custom builder's arsenal. These transparent bricks could come in really handy in many situations.

You can get this Clear Color Set online at Plamoya or Amazon.


  1. Do you know if the new Standard Colours and Monotone sets are similar to the old ones?
